Broker Diversity Push

Brokers, are you sure you don’t have a D&I problem?

Why is Link – the LGBTQ+ insurance network – at the British Insurance Brokers’ Association Conference next week? Because it wants to support brokers on diversity and inclusion, according to co-chair Maxim Cook and committee member Erik Johnson.

Interview: Clare Lebecq, SRG

Clare Lebecq has worked hard to get to the top. She tells Insurance Age her story and goals with Specialist Risk Group, and shares her views on diversity and inclusion and work culture.

In conversation: Broker Diversity Push

Insurance Age met up with the leaders of Biba, the MGAA and Liiba for the Broker Diversity Push campaign to expand on the support and practical assistance being provided to members and widen the discussion on this crucial topic.

Profile: Abby Houghton – Young female broker

As part of Insurance Age's Broker Diversity Push - Gender Leadership Gap campaign, Sophie Locke-Cooper spoke with Brightside Insurance Services’ Abby Houghton about what it is like being a young female in the industry.