Insurance Age - 2012-03-12
Articles in this issue
Broking success: Clear thinking
Howard Lickens, CEO of Clear Insurance Management, tells Caitlin Morrison of the importance of acquisitions, the benefits of Brokerbility and how the business coped with the introduction of the FSA
Reportage: Personal targets
Personal lines brokers are seeing massive changes in the motor, household and travel sectors. With no let-up in sight, where do the opportunities lie in the months and years ahead? Edward Murray reports
Market moves: Mad for it
Last month things went a bit mad in Manchester, with two insurers and an MGA creating brand new teams in the city. There were numerous other appointments across the insurance spectrum, and what most of them had in common was the city that gave us Oasis.
Life’s little knock-for-knocks
A recent accident has highlighted everything that is wrong with the current motor claims process, explains Tony Cornell
Free to compete
The advent of real-time pricing could free brokers’ hands and create a more level playing field
Products roundup: A little bit of everything
It’s a bit of a mixed bag this month but the old cliché tells us that variety is the spice of life – we’re not sure how spicy the products and schemes are but there should be something for everyone.
Products: B&Bs can rest easy with bespoke product
Bridge Insurance brokers has teamed up with Brit Insurance to launch Hospitality, an insurance scheme focused on boutique bed and breakfast businesses.
Products: NIG fills a gap in its property owners insurance range
NIG has launched Essential Property Owners (EPO) cover, an SME-focused version of its Premium Property Owners (PPO) product.
Products: La Playa tests its new research and development product in the lab
La Playa has produced a new product designed specifically for start-up, early stage and SME research and development businesses.
Review: Living the high life
Aqua: three: This product has been reviewed by brokers and rated from one to five stars, based on the policy’s key benefits. * = Poor ** = Average *** = Good **** = Very good ***** = Excellent
Products: Axa makes products available on Powerplace
Axa has made two of its products available to Powerplace users in the last month: a new property owners/landlords policy and its management liability policy.
Are you ready for the next big thing in motor?
Telematics could transform motor insurance, and brokers who already have a foot in the market could cash in
Brokers on the brink?
Administrations, threatened product pull-outs and agency culls have sparked brokers’ fears over the future of the market
FSA on tour
The FSA is touring the regions to ensure regulated firms are up-to-speed with governance and risk awareness, explains Barry Woodward
The Broker Business Club: Meeting of minds
Insurance Age has once again teamed up with Zurich Insurance to hold a series of Broker Business Clubs where some of the most influential insurers, brokers and stakeholders address and tackle the issues that matter to the modern insurance market. The…
Commercial faces long road to hardening rates
Despite insurers announcing improved profitability last year, the commercial market still faces tough trading conditions
The state we’re in
If the UK is to avoid another economic crisis in the near future, insurers and the government need to join forces to tackle flood insurance, says Tony Cornell
Broking success: Lessons from Cambridge
S-Tech Insurance Services founder and CEO Shaun Walker talks to Caitlin Morrison about why Cambridge is good for start-ups and the importance of chartered status
In-depth: Going global
With clients increasingly prepared to export to beat the economic downturn, brokers must be ready to think internationally, writes Edward Murray
The problems with money
Brokers need to be prepared for the forthcoming changes to insurance money rules. David Roberts outlines four areas the industry should be focusing on
Profile: Simply stated
Simply Business CEO Jason Stockwood tells Andrew Pearce why he is so confident in the broker’s technology and market offering
Social responsibility
Social media can be a blessing and a curse for businesses but, managed correctly, the benefits can be great, explains Peter Done
The rise of passporting insurers
Does anyone care about the ease with which overseas insurers from jurisdictions with less stringent regulation can set up shop in the UK? Stuart Reid asks
Insurers split over value of chartered status
Insurance Age survey shows a plethora of views on the need for brokers to gain chartered status and the best ways to demonstrate professionalism
Market moves: Networks in the news
There was a lot to admire in the broker-related market moves last month. Networks decided en masse to grab their share of the limelight. Having delivered a quiet quarter or so they certainly achieved it by bursting back into life with one appointment in…
Product roundup: Treat yourself to the product takeaway
It is all about the niches this month in our Products and Schemes section. UK General aims to take away a portion of the market with its new offering for Chinese restaurants.
Products: Aviva makes Fast Trade iPad app available
Aviva has launched an iPad app for Fast Trade, its online quote and buy trading platform for brokers.
Products: Midas hopes to strike gold with classic and performance car products
Midas Underwriting has launched non-standard personal motor products aimed at modern performance cars and classic sports cars respectively.
Products: UK General and Newton Lee whet market’s appetite with Chinese restaurant scheme
UK General has signed a schemes agreement with Sunderland-based broker Newton Lee to cover the Chinese restaurant and takeaway sector.
Products: Biba renews association with NMU to supply members’ cargo scheme
The British Insurance Brokers’ Association (Biba) has renewed its members’ cargo scheme for a further three years with NMU.
Products: Ascent Underwriting launched to tackle emerging cyber risks
Ascent Underwriting has been launched to provide coverage for emerging cyber risks. The Amlin-backed managing general agent (MGA) said it was targeting the full spectrum of client sizes from micro businesses to international corporations.
Products: L&G launches mid and high net worth home insurance product
Legal & General (L&G) has targeted mid and high net worth clients with the launch of Enhanced home insurance. The new product comes in partnership with Aqueduct Underwriting. At first it will only be available through regional brokers before being rolled…
Products: AIG’s D&O policy aimed at international businesses
AIG has rolled out a new CorporateGuard directors’ and officers’ (D&O) policy across Europe. The provider claimed that the product was a response to important shifts in current risks to directors and officers, as well as evolving corporate governance…
Results reveal profit-focused insurers
CEOs’ responses to insurer results suggest greater emphasis being placed on profits than book building
Brokers unmoved by Ageas’ management shake-up
Ageas announced some big-name departures last month, as it set out its new senior management team following the takeover of Groupama.
Brokers facing further FSCS levy hikes
Regulator blames uncertainty over PPI claims for demanding a £20m interim levy for 2012/13
Market welcomes Bupa’s B2C decision
But Amii voices frustration over Bupa’s communication process with brokers
Editor’s letter - March 2013
“Every voice deserves to be heard. The debate is too important for an unhinged or skewed diatribe”
Review: Building confidence
Home & Legacy Building Works Extension. This product has been reviewed by brokers and rated from one to five stars, based on the policy’s key benefits. * = Poor ** = Average *** = Good **** = Very good ***** = Excellent