Professional Broking - 2010-08-04

News analysis - FSCS: Outrage as FSCS bills rise

Brokers have been hit by a dramatic rise in bills from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, which has a sparked a huge controversy as brokers feel they are paying for the misdemeanours of others, writes Andrew Tjaardstra

The PB interview - Bill Cooper: Bright light in the gloom

Andrew Tjaardstra meets Bill Cooper, managing director for insurance in the financial institutions division at Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets. Despite being cautious about prospects for brokers as the UK's economic malaise continues, the firm is very much…

Viewpoint: The tonic the economy needed

On 22 June, Chancellor George Osborne delivered his Emergency Budget. It set out a faster reduction of the deficit than was envisaged by the previous government and, crucially, defined how the bulk of the adjustment would be achieved through lower…

Management clinic - sabbaticals: Big break

An employee wants to take three months off work to travel but there are no provisions with regard to extended breaks in their employment contract. While the employee has one month of holiday entitlement to use, the other two months won't be covered. What…

New government: Coalition consequences

The new government has already announced the end of the Financial Services Authority and an Emergency Budget full of spending cuts and tax rises. Emmanuel Kenning looks at the implications for insurance brokers.

Viewpoint: The carbon challenge

Climate change remains controversial for broking. Either it is not discussed or it is addressed in the context of new business opportunities such as renewable energy. Regardless of a broker's positioning on climate change, it has become a regulatory…

Climate science: Too hot for comfort

Global warming is one of the most contested and emotive issues in the world. Regardless of whether the experts are right or wrong, the industry has to face the challenge, writes Danny Bradbury.

The Green Interview: Building momentum for change

Andrew Tjaardstra speaks to Andrew Torrance, chief executive officer at Allianz and chairman of ClimateWise, about what the environmental organisation hopes to achieve and its radical proposals to last year's Copenhagen climate conference.

Legal: The opportunity of uncertainty

The vague Green Economy Bill is not an excuse for the industry to ignore climate change risks, rather to take a lead in tackling the problem and grab a big opportunity, writes Lindene Patton.

Flooding: Raising the barriers

The spate of high-profile floods over the last five years has given insurers, brokers and clients much food for thought about rates and whether or not some risks can be covered at all. Andrew Tjaardstra finds out what precautions the industry is taking.

Recycling: More than a load of old rubbish

Recycling in the UK is increasing, a process that is generating significant underwriting opportunities and, in turn, openings that brokers should be keen to explore, writes Andy Poole.

Editor's comment: Change regardless of blame

The floods in Pakistan and fires in Russia might or might not be caused by manmade global warming but they are the kind of incidents that the bulk of the scientific community are predicting more of if we continue to spew carbon dioxide into the…

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