NIG appoints senior BDM from Aviva

NIG has appointed Stewart McConachie as senior business development manager from Aviva with a remit to boost its broker-only business opportunities and product development.

Biba 2011: My Manchester Q&A Part Two

The team at Post and Insurance Age will again be publishing a daily at the British Insurance Brokers' Association conference in Manchester on Wednesday and Thursday.

Profile: Hidden depths

CCV’s Michael Rea may not shout about it but he’s certainly made his mark at the consolidator. He talks to Martin Friel about his appetite for aquisition, the prospect of flotation and working for an industry ‘personality’

Power hour: A flood defence drought

The coalition has already announced that flood defence spending is to be cut. With the Statement of Principles due to run out in 2013 this month's discussion focuses on the possible impact for insurance. Emmanuel Kenning reports from Manchester.

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