2010 review: A year of living cautiously

The economy grew, rival political parties unexpectedly started working together and personal lines rates even hardened, although plenty of surprises and setbacks meant that 2010 was far from plain sailing, writes Andrew Tjaardstra.

ECIC appoints new underwriting manager

The Electrical Contractors’ Insurance Company has announced the appointment of Agneta Desouza as underwriting manager, reporting to chief underwriting officer, Richard Forrest-Smith.

Viewpoint: Time to put things right

With poor motor results continuously dismissed as being due to external factors, David Vine asks why insurers choose to ignore the evidence that would enable accurate pricing and, in turn, profit.

Aritsa targets South Wales growth with new hire

Commercial lines underwriting specialist Arista Insurance has appointed Mark Chichester as senior underwriter to help develop the South Wales market and enhance its technical proposition to brokers in the area.

Editor's comment: The motor market is shot

A senior industry figure told me this month that it is the "worst time" in the history of the motor market for insurers. A pile of news has confirmed this, including RBS's loss of over £200m in its first-half results, Equity's reserving issues and NIG…

PB Week: Thinking about motor rates

Further to the news that car insurance premiums have jumped 14.2% in the second quarter 2010 it was interesting to note NIG's recent announcement that they were changing their strategy and moving away from the personal lines market, writes Paul Muir,…

NIG pulls personal lines

Royal Bank of Scotland insurer NIG has outlined plans to close its personal lines division and focus solely on commercial business

Product launches: NIG revamps packaged suite

NIG has relaunched its package products suite within its NIG Network broker system, with revamped offerings, a new professionals solution and an improved quote system that aims to generate more competitive pricing.

NIG enhances package products

NIG has relaunched its package products suite within its NIG Network broker system, with revamped products, a new ‘professionals’ product and an enhanced quote system.

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