
John of all trades.

John Shetcliffe talks to Tim Collison about his new consultancy, which advises on all areas of insurance broking, a venture for which he is ideally suited considering the wide scope of his 25 years' experience in the market.

Testing times.

Changes in the engineering sector resulting from recent consolidation and the introduction of new legislation, has prompted insurers to add impetus to their cover in the form of inspection and certification services. Shona Cronin reports.

Appointment at CSC.

CSC has appointed Phil Ashton (above) intermediary sales manager responsible for sales and account m...

Making house calls.

The government's move to bring mortgages into the FSA's regulatory field has come as a shock to existing lenders. But, it will open up the market to smaller intermediaries offering MPPI cover at competitive prices, says Keith Sankey.

Online Competition.

In PB's latest online competition, sponsored by Independent Insurance, we are giving away two VIP ti...

FSA bill - the final round?

The criticism surrounding the various aspects of the Financial Services Authority currently being fought over in Parliament, does not bode well for the future.

Court grounds high flyers.

Business and pleasure do not mix. This was the recent message from the High Courts following a travel insurance claim resulting from the helicopter crash in which Matthew Harding died.

The shipping news.

The commercial broker has no excuse not to become involved in the lucrative class of marine cargo insurance. While it may seem complicated, John Watson says sound, basic knowledge and a few good contacts can produce results.

BIBA tackles professionalism.

This month's BIBA conference will take as its starting point the issue of professional status. This is close to the heart of many brokers in the current move towards the new Chartered Insurance Broker title, says Tim Collison.