Business continuity

Taking ownership

Continuity, not consolidation, will help secure a lasting legacy, with employees taking a greater share of the business – but it will need a mindset change, writes James Sharp

Summer time

This summer will provide a rare moment of regulatory tranquility, says Jill Hambley

A fresh start

The New Year is a great time to set some personal resolutions and a perfect opportunity to set some SMART objectives for your business, writes Deborah Windermere

Viewpoint: Changing tactics

The market is buzzing with talk about the introduction of variable commission on individual commercial policies. Malcolm Smith asks what the implications will be for brokers, insurers and policyholders.

News round-up: Business continuity

According to research from the Business Continuity Institute on behalf of the Chartered Insurance Institute, insurance professionals need a more consistent message when promoting the benefits of business continuity plans.

Essential protection

One of my directors insists that we should have a business continuity plan. We back up our computers every day and for a small firm I think that's enough. What else can we do?