
David Gamble.

Clear thinking is required over the remuneration of brokers and intermediaries. A new code and an independent regulator with real powers must be the way forward.

World Cup fever.

Along with the rest of the world, Overheard caught World Cup fever last month. And it would appear t...

A matter of perspective.

The definition of non-standard is a moveable feast, largely determined by the tastes of standard insurers. Andrew Newman says that what was once a true niche is now fiercely competitive mainstream business.

Les McIntosh.

The advent of digital TV looks set to boost Internet services. We must be ready for this: let's set up a central insurance site.

On a collision course.

Insurers have been battling with accident repairers and solicitors for the cut-price end of the uninsured loss recovery market for some time now. However, Steve Banner says insurers are now taking a different stance.

Life after broker division.

Royal & SunAlliance has scrapped its broker division. Tim Collison spoke to Peter Burrows, UK regions director at RSA, about what this means for both its commercial and personal lines operations.

Warren Hill set to grow.

Warren Hill Insurance Brokers has bought East Kilbride insurance brokers C&N Black. The acquisition ...

Bradstock profits down.

Insurance broker the Bradstock Group has announced a 21.6% drop in profits to £2.9m for the first ha...

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