
Ian Ritchie.

Never ignore the value of corporate hospitality - you never know what business may come your way because of it.

Lloyd Hanks.

As an industry we must make sure that we do not waste the opportunity to set up an effective self-regulatory body, as compliance is the key to consumer confidence.

Smart acquisition.

Yorkshire broker Smart and Cook has acquired York-based intermediary The Smith and Pinching Group. T...

Any time, any place.

With holidaymakers becoming ever more adventurous, they can fall ill or be injured in the remotest of places. Tim Collison looks at how the medical assistance process copes with this.

Going for broking.

Brokers should take comfort from the fact that a direct motor insurer has held its hands up and admi...

Ian Ritchie.

Sadly, the IBRC is to be abolished. So, let's now look to the future and get the most out of self-regulation.

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