Professional Broking - 2010-11-03

Viewpoint: Spending Review demands wise heads

Managers have had a difficult year, facing not only continued economic uncertainty and the lowest-recorded levels of employee morale but also the recently announced Comprehensive Spending Review, signalling the biggest business shake-up in decades.

News round-up: Insurers

Brit has formally accepted an offer of £888m from Apollo Management and CVC Capital Partners. The deal if agreed by shareholders is £10.75 for each share plus a further 25p if targets are met.

Management Clinic - Employee procedures: Off the leash

An employee has completed a deal for a partnership with another company without consulting the relevant internal parties or gaining my permission as the managing director. How should I go about disciplining the employee in question, keeping in mind the…

News round-up: Business continuity

According to research from the Business Continuity Institute on behalf of the Chartered Insurance Institute, insurance professionals need a more consistent message when promoting the benefits of business continuity plans.

News round-up: Organisations

The Chartered Insurance Institute has unveiled the New Generation Claims Group, which consists of eight young insurance professionals who will look at how social media can be used to improve customer communications during a claims surge. They will report…

Alex Broad

It is with great sadness we announce the devastating news that Alex Broad, publisher of PB and sister title Insurance Age died in early October.

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