Insurance Age - 2012-08-01
Articles in this issue
Out with the old
Brokers need to check all Tobas to be ready for new client asset rules, says David Roberts
Market moves: Blockbuster moves
Cinema-goers are currently flocking in their masses to see Batman take his final stand against deadly villain Bane. It comes just a few weeks after Spiderman came back to spin to his web once more against perilous enemy, the Lizard. What has this got to…
Broking success: Set up for success
CCV‘s Central region managing director Rob Simpson tells Caitlin Morrison about his varied career and how business ownership compares to being part of a larger group
Online and on demand
With business increasingly being conducted online, brokers need to be careful, writes Mark Shreeve
Power hour: Motoring in the middle
The motor fleet sector is at a crossroads, both in terms of rate hardening and the role telematics could have to play in future, reports Caitlin Morrison
The Broker Business Club: At your leisure
The most recent edition in our series of Broker Business Club roundtable discussions, in association with Zurich, took place in London in July. Our panel discussed the opportunities and threats within the highly specialised leisure market.
Here comes the flood
Brokers are hoping for a watertight solution to stem the tide of the UK’s flood insurance crisis
Product roundup: Insurers target property owners market
Insurers have been keen to target property owners in the past month, offering up two new additions to brokers’ repertoires.
Products: Aspen tackles underinsurance while NIG rolls out property owners product
Two insurers have targeted the property owners market recently. Aspen Risk Management highlighted that a key benefit of its new product was that it provided practical help in dealing with the growing issue of underinsurance.
ECIC covers contractors on green energy jobs
Electrical Contractors’ Insurance Company (ECIC) has launched a Renewable Energy product specifically designed for the green energy industry.
Review: Hearth and home
ABC Home. This product has been reviewed by brokers and rated from one to five stars, based on the policy’s key benefits. * = Poor ** = Average *** = Good **** = Very good ***** = Excellent
Schemes market set for further growth
Survey reveals growing importance and increasing popularity of schemes to brokers
Bupa’s product pull back stuns broker market
AMII enters discussions with the UK’s largest private medical insurance provider
Debate rages over insurer restructures
Brokers say they want closer relationships with insurers no matter what structure they adopt
Editor’s letter - August 2012
“The non-stop rain, rain, rain – with the exception of a few days at the end of July – has seen insurance leading the news”