
On the road again.

The Association of Insurance Intermediaries and Brokers, General Insurance Standards Council and Gro...

Balancing act.

The higher minimum requirements for professional indemnity cover under GISC will be another awkward ball for brokers to juggle. Rachel Gordon says it will pay to shop around.

In one's own good time?

This year's Brocklesby case seems to extend the time limits set down by the Limitation Act 1980 and could have dire consequences for the insurance industry.[QQ]

A small price to pay.

The recent Iron Trades/Chester Street debacle has put the industry firmly out of favour with MPs and the public. It is time for it to face up to its collective moral responsibilities.

DIY peril warning

Longford Insurance Schemes has warned members of the public to beware of DIY hazards in the Easter ho...

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