
Review: Cleaning up

Exclusovely Cleaning. This product has been reviewed by brokers and rated from one to five stars, based on the policy’s key benefits. * = Poor ** = Average *** = Good **** = Very good ***** = Excellent

Review: Motoring along

Motor Fleet. This product has been reviewed by brokers and rated from one to five stars, based on the policy’s key benefits. * = Poor ** = Average *** = Good **** = Very good ***** = Excellent

Zurich tees up for growth with golf scheme

Zurich Insurance has become the underwriter for the 20 year old ‘Par Excellence’ scheme run by Glasgow-based Circle Golf after signing a long term deal with the golfing specialist.

Jelf partners with REC

Jelf has teamed up with the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) to become the insurance partner for its members.

APC moves into PI market

APC has stepped into the professional indemnity (PI) market with the launch of a product designed to protect mortgage and finance intermediaries.