QBE Insurance Group

The PB interview - Bill Cooper: Bright light in the gloom

Andrew Tjaardstra meets Bill Cooper, managing director for insurance in the financial institutions division at Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets. Despite being cautious about prospects for brokers as the UK's economic malaise continues, the firm is very much…

QBE addresses market rumours

QBE has issued a statement regarding its potential exposure to the Gulf of Mexico oil rig disaster and Insurance Australia Group's (IAG) announcement on motor liability claims.

News Analysis: Brokers swarm ExCeL at Biba 2010

Emmanuel Kenning reviews a successful Biba conference at which brokers networked with insurance leaders and debated what the future holds under the new Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government.

News: QBE ambitions realised

QBE looks set to double the size of its commercial property book as it closes in on a deal that could see it snatch £40m worth of business from Axa, Insurance Age has learnt.

Markel hires accident and health chief

Markel International, the specialist property and casualty insurer, has appointed Mike Bridgeman to head the development of accident and health business within its specialty division.

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