Mark Hodges

Hodges pleased with top-line growth

Mark Hodges, CEO of Towergate, has declared the 1% increase in gross written premium and 3% rise in income as "really important" and a "positive for the group".

Towergate completes NPIB purchase

Towergate Insurance has completed the acquisition of the business and assets of Norwich and Peterborough Insurance Brokers (NPIB), the non-life insurance broking operation of the Norwich and Peterborough Building Society.

Hodges upbeat over rise in Ebitda

Towergate group CEO Mark Hodges has promised “more of the same” for the rest of 2012 as the consolidator revealed an increase in Ebitda and reduced losses.

All change at Aviva

At first glance losing one CEO might be thought to be unfortunate, losing two clearly carelessness. Aviva have lost loads.

Hodges lifts the lid on joining Towergate

Mark Hodges has revealed that when he was first approached to leave Aviva for Towergate he felt he needed to make sure there would be a meeting of minds on how to progress the broker’s business.

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