
Surveying the risks.

The levels of risk involved in chartered surveying are unpredictable and so it pays for insurers to be cautious when underwriting professional indemnity, says Simon Threadgold.

Contractual challenge.

The proposed Contracts Bill will have repercussions throughout the insurance industry. Some sectors, such as construction, are set to benefit, say Charlotte Capstick and David Wilkinson.

Practice makes perfect?

Royal & SunAlliance has undergone restructuring recently to facilitate broker access. Mike Jakeman talks to Tim Collison about this latest move towards providing a seamless service.

Keep on truckin'.

There is a convoy of insurers looking to pick up goods-in-transit business, with some very cheap rates being offered. Steve Banner surveys the main players in the market.

Tense, nervous, headache?

Soft rates, year 2000, the Pension Review... these are just a few of the worries facing many professional indemnity underwriters. Shona Cronin reports.

St Paul in London.

St Paul International has launched a London market operation which will be headed by Paul Cusition, ...

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