
Appointment at Budget.

Andrew Bentley and Matthew Gledhill have joined Budget. Mr Bentley is the director of commercial ins...

Albion rebranded.

General business specialist Albion Insurance is being rebranded Sterling Insurance Company, bringing...

Mortgage safety.

Protection specialist Berkeley Alexander has launched MortgageSafe, a mortgage payment protection in...

Emerging stronger.

In this era of mergers and acquisitions, Andy Homer says brokers are next in line for consolidation and that they will need to learn from the difficulties and mistakes of others.

Being prepared for BI claims.

Last Autumn's flooding and the ongoing foot and mouth crisis means that incidences of BI claims are rising. Brokers must ensure they are fully aware of the key principles.

TIA: motor assistance.

Norwich-based intermediary Travel Insurance Agencies has signed up Mondial Assistance to provide Eur...

An accident waiting to happen

Brokers currently placing personal accident and protection business in the companies market should look at what Lloyd's has to offer. David Fanning says it is one of the most profitable classes in the London Market.