- Statistics
Provided by BEST 1 Dec 2008
- Director's Q&A
Ray Holloway - King of the road 1 Dec 2008 PB speaks to Ray Holloway, operations director of the Retail Motor Industry Federation. His broker is the Davis Group, now part of Venture Preference after being bought in September 2007
- 2008 Review
Year in review: 2008 1 Dec 2008 PB's editor and three senior insurance professionals give an overview of 2008, a year to be remembered, although unfortunately for the economy, mainly for the wrong reasons
- Identity Fraud
Stamping out the identity fraud bug 1 Dec 2008 Identity fraud is increasingly prevalent in insurance. Neil Joslin says that insurers must do more to establish the true identity of customers
- Statistics
Top 20 Lloyd's syndicates 1 Nov 2008 Provided by BEST
- Climate change
The changing world of insurance 1 Nov 2008 From flooding to Japanese pants: what brokers should know about the impact of climate change
- Statistics
Top 20 UK Marine, Aviation and Transport Insurers - Provided by A.M. Best 1 Oct 2008
- Director's Q&A
James Clarke - Keeping the best traditions 1 Oct 2008 This month, PB speaks to James Clarke, chief executive at Hook Norton Brewery, which still delivers beer by Shire horse
- Sentiment Survey
Sentiment Survey 1 Oct 2008 PB's Sentiment Survey always makes for an interesting read and our autumn results proved to be no exception, writes Katherine Brandon
- Sentiment Survey
Sentiment Survey 1 Oct 2008
- Imarket
At the crossroads 1 Oct 2008 Imarket has not taken off as was once hoped. Edward Murray assesses the online platform's progress in the small to medium enterprise sector
- Statistics
Provided by AM Best 1 Sep 2008
- Director's Q&A
Lee Green - Building the right cover 1 Sep 2008 PB talks to Lee Green, category manager for operational services at Towergate-insured Tarmac, the UK's leading suppliers of heavy building products
- Overseas business
Without frontiers 1 Sep 2008 The idea of having a business presence abroad is not new but is proving ever more attractive to brokers. However, as communications technology continues to improve, how important is a physical presence overseas, asks Jane Bernstein
- Statistics
Top 20 UK personal property insurers 1 Aug 2008
- Directors Q&A
Shaun Godfrey - Road runner 1 Aug 2008 PB asks insurance buyer Shaun Godfrey, managing director of Delamode, about some of the challenges in his international logistics and supply-chain business
- Goodwill
Adjusting for goodwill 1 Aug 2008 Accountant Jessica Wills analyses the latest financial statements for 45 of the top 50 firms according to IMAS to see if a change in the way broking firms account for goodwill and intangible assets would have a significant impact
- Flooding
What we know now 1 Aug 2008 From the detritus of the floods of summer 2007 came some amazing industry success stories and resourceful, creative responses to what was a huge challenge. There were several tough lessons to learn too, writes Phil McNeilage
- Director's Q&A
Basil Gillett - At your service 1 Jul 2008 PB interviews Basil Gillett, company secretary of Centre Island Hotels, about his group's insurance requirements
- Lloyd's brokers
Acquisition fever on Lime Street 1 Jul 2008 Marcus Alcock argues that the Lloyd's broking sector may just be about to follow the rest of the market in being hunted down for acquisition
- Director's Q&A
Ian Jerrum - An illuminating tale 1 Jun 2008 Ian Jerrum is the managing director of Searchlight Insurance Training. Jerrum tells PB about the challenges and risks that his business faces. Please tell us about your company
- Flooding
Barrier to action 1 Jun 2008 A number of major floods in the UK over the past seven years have stimulated a great deal of debate within the insurance industry as well as government circles. Ed Murray argues that there is too much talk
- Director's Q&A
Steve Rockingham - Firm foundation 1 May 2008 Steve Rockingham, managing director of Stephen Russell Construction, explains to PB his company's views on commission disclosure and FSA regulation
- Remuneration
The weight of disclosure 1 May 2008 With insurers and consolidators pointing their fingers at each other over the continually rising rates of commission being by paid by insurers, is it inevitable that the regulator will have to step in, asks Marcus Alcock
- Sentiment Survey
Groupama Insurances 1 May 2008
- Insurance Raceday
And they're off 1 May 2008 Over 500 industry members and their guests descended on Kempton Park for the inaugral Insurance Raceday, writes Anthony Gould, editor-in-chief of PB
- Director's Q&A
Martin Church - Protecting the protector 1 Apr 2008 Martin Church, company secretary of Norfolk-based BBC Fire Protection, tells PB about the importance of selecting the right broker
- Recruitment
In search of the big one 1 Apr 2008 The insurance sector's changing dynamics are causing brokers headaches in recruiting key management skills. Marcella Cronin explains recruitment craft and how to use specialists to help land the largest fish
- MGAs
Who holds the pen? 1 Apr 2008 Despite some in the industry sounding the death knell for managing general agencies, the differing approaches taken by these companies still prove their worth in the market, writes Marcus Alcock
- Director's Q&A
Stuart Davidsen - This Catamaran man 1 Mar 2008 Broadblue product and design director Stuart Davidsen speaks to PB about how regular broker contact ensures his firm's needs are met
- Subsidence
Know the warning signs 1 Mar 2008 Frazer Fletcher gives an overview of what to consider when tackling subsidence claims
- View from the FSA
Small firms supervision - Testing times ahead for small firms 1 Mar 2008 How the Financial Services Authority plans to assess protection selling
- Director's Q&A
Philip Currie - Breaking the cycle 1 Feb 2008 Philip Currie has been finance director at McBains Cooper for seven years. He talks to PB about insuring property and construction and the value of a strong broker relationship
- Management
Compliance - Building in conformity 1 Feb 2008 Edward Murray investigates the methods and structures implemented by brokers to show how they are meeting FSA regulations
- In memorium
The passing of a broking champion 1 Feb 2008 John Greenway MP spoke to PB about the life of IIB director general Andrew Paddick