
Profile - Henry Engelhardt: Admiral of the fleet

Henry Engelhardt was at the bow when the Admiral ship first set sail and he led the company onto the stock exchange when it floated in 2004. Emmanuel Kenning talks to the CEO about claims, pricing and the source of great market envy - the provider's COR.

Reportage - SME: a blossoming romance

The SME love affair has been flourishing for a while, but what does the term actually mean? With nearly all UK enterprises falling into this category, Liz McMahon explores the sector's diverse needs.

Simply Business targets £100m GWP

Simply Business, the online broker for small to medium sized enterprise business, has unveiled a gross written premium target of £100m by the end of 2012, up from £41m last year.

Editor's comment - January 2011

Here we go again. Another year, another set of woes. The economy has only improved slightly, premium rates still show no sign of real hardening and insurers still seem hell bent on self-sacrifice in the name of growth. I feel for you brokers, I really do…

Legal expenses: Referral fee free?

Martin Friel looks to the future and imagines a legal expenses market where referral fees no longer exist. What would this mean for brokers and how would the sector adapt to accommodate this change?

Agenda: Hopes for the New Year

Ten years have passed since the dawn of the new millennium. The predictions of economic meltdown because of the millennium bug were false but we have seen crises that have had enormous impact on the global economy: 9/11, the crash of the dot-com bubble…

Interview: In perfect focus

With sharp intelligence, good humour and unique perspective, industry consultant Clare Ryder shares her thoughts with Martin Friel about where the market has been and where it needs to go next.

News review: November 2010

IAG UK-owned broker Barnett & Barnett almost doubled its size to £50m gross written premium, with a move for a controlling stake in Bromley-based commercial and personal lines specialist NBJ.

Viewpoint: Time to put things right

With poor motor results continuously dismissed as being due to external factors, David Vine asks why insurers choose to ignore the evidence that would enable accurate pricing and, in turn, profit.