
Agenda: Commission disclosure

The European Union (EU) is now putting together its consultation paper on a revised Insurance Mediation Directive and this will include their views on commission disclosure.

News review: August

Axa Insurance customer experience director, Paul Meehan, expressed interest in filling the senior management vacancy in the company's commercial division.

Power hour: A cooperative coalition?

This month's power hour assesses the impact the Con-Dem Government has already had on insurance and debates how it will continue to influence the industry in the future. Liz McMahon reports.

Fairpoint buys for £1

Fairpoint Group has acquired 100% of the share capital of in a bid to extend the group from a debt solutions business into a broader-based financial solutions company.

Fraud pushes up motor premiums

Fraud is helping to push car insurance premiums up at their fastest-ever rate, according to the latest AA British Insurance Premium Index.

The PB interview - Bill Cooper: Bright light in the gloom

Andrew Tjaardstra meets Bill Cooper, managing director for insurance in the financial institutions division at Lloyds TSB Corporate Markets. Despite being cautious about prospects for brokers as the UK's economic malaise continues, the firm is very much…

Polly C

Polly loves a divisive figure and, quite frankly, the insurance industry could do with more of them. There is no denying that the now infamous Gio Compario is the aggregators' answer to Marmite and Polly was pleased to learn that the gregarious tenor had…