
Editor's letter - November 2016

“There definitely needs to be change. And it is only through such collective thinking and a combined effort that solutions will be found”

Appetite outweighs uncertainty

Lloyds Bank's Bill Cooper explains why political instability in the UK has failed to dampen the verve of those on the broker acquisition trail.

Customers losing out

The most recent wave of consolidation could lead to a revamp of commission structures, which won’t be good for brokers or their clients, says Ian Stutz

Rational acquisitions

There is a vibrant market for structured and sensible broker acquisitions in the UK, says Peter Blanc

Back to binge buying?

Returning to the market, Barbara Bradshaw sees the same mistakes being made and bemoans unequal access to finance

Back to buying

As consolidation picks up pace again, Paul Meehan looks at if any lessons have been learned from the last round of buyouts

All change

Change will be this year’s defining theme, says Bill Cooper, and small to medium-sized brokers are in a perfect position to exploit it

Full recovery mode

The Chancellor’s prediction of strong growth in GDP could point to a resurgence for the commercial insurance market, says Paul Upton

Profile: The bright side of life

Markerstudy Group underwriting director Gary Humphreys tells Caitlin Morrison why the firm courted Brightside and what prospects he sees for the market

Where now for Groupama et al?

So we’ve got three insurers up for sale, namely RBSI, Brit and now Groupama. Consolidation in the insurer space has been predicted for some time now but I don’t think people expected it to happen like this – more deals done behind closed doors than…