
Reportage: Lighting up the regions

Insurers are moving underwriting decisions to regional centres, but will this really benefit brokers and is the new model sustainable? Edward Murray finds out

Review: Top down protection

Management Liability Plus: This product has been reviewed by brokers and rated from one to five stars, based on the policy’s key benefits. * = Poor ** = Average *** = Good **** = Very good ***** = Excellent

Biba 2012: Manchester calling

With the Biba conference taking place on 16 and 17 May, we look at what you can expect at this year’s event and which sessions are a must see for brokers

Take the lead

Leadership and a strong customer base are needed to get ahead of the competition, explains Stephen Archer

Review: Bio-hazards

BioSurance MD: This product has been reviewed by brokers and rated from one to five stars, based on the policy’s key benefits. * = Poor ** = Average *** = Good **** = Very good ***** = Excellent

How to… secure the best talent

In a nutshell ▶ To get the best management team you must research the market, strike a balance between differing personalities and have a distinct corporate personality