
Products: Lumley Jacobs signs up forensic coding partner

Non-risk and income specialist Lumley Jacobs has signed a deal to supply Tradewise with a branded forensic coding system. The company will incorporate the forensic coding within its proposition for motor trade and commercial vehicle customers.

Das unveils Loss Assist

Das Group is to expand its range of assistance products with Loss Assist, set to be launched at the British Insurance Brokers’ Association’s 2012 conference in May.

Review: Lay of the land

CX Land Liability: This product has been reviewed by brokers and rated from one to five stars, based on the policy’s key benefits. * = Poor ** = Average *** = Good **** = Very good ***** = Excellent

Products roundup: Products aimed at gamut of professions

The fixation the market has on liability products and all things professional continues this month with several such products hitting the market and a new landowners’ liability product assessed by a stalwart of our broker product review panel, Bluefin’s…