
Man jailed after £2.3m insurance fraud attempt

A man who exaggerated his injuries and attempted to claim £2.3m in compensation has been jailed for four months by the Royal Courts of Justice after his deception was uncovered and he was found in contempt of court.

Product roundup: ‘Tis the season to tackle cyber crime

While it may seem incongruous to raise such matters in the season of goodwill, this month’s products and schemes pages are dominated by cyber crime, fraud, litigation and a change at Biba’s oldest scheme as the association dispensed with Sterling’s…

Video: What the Papers Say

In the latest edition, Insurance Age editor Martin Friel is joined by Zurich's Keith Lewis and Insurance Age's Emmanuel Kenning.

IIL links up with CDL to fight fraud

CDL has confirmed that it is working with data provider Insurance Initiatives Limited (IIL) to launch an enriched data service, designed to aid accurate policy pricing by verifying consumer data.

Lloyd's backs ABI on compensation culture

Lloyd’s has announced its support for the Association of British Insurers’ (ABI) report on Tackling the Compensation Culture and warned that Britain should avoid going down the same path as the US.

ABI calls for end to compensation culture

The Association of British Insurers (ABI) has called for reform of Britain’s compensation culture laws claiming that UK consumers pay £2.7m a day to claimant lawyers through their motor insurance premiums.

What the Papers Say - August 2011

In this month's What the Papers say, senior reporter at Insurance Age Liz McMahon, is joined by fellow senior reporter Emmanuel Kenning to discuss the latest top topics in insurance with principal of Bellingham Communications Ben Welsh.