FSA bill - the final round?

The criticism surrounding the various aspects of the Financial Services Authority currently being fought over in Parliament, does not bode well for the future.

The chances of the Financial Services Authority being up and running
with its full array of powers anytime this year are now remote. Pencil
March 2001 in your diary and you won't be far wrong - even though that is
a full year behind schedule.

I don't know what the record is for the longest Parliamentary passage, or
the greatest number of amendments to a bill while it goes through
Parliament, but the Financial Services & Markets Bill must be close to
grabbing both unwanted records.

The original bill

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Biba 2024: FCA to take its time on transparency proposals

Emily Shepperd, chief operating officer of the Financial Conduct Authority, has said the regulator was “overwhelmed” at the response and amount of feedback to its transparency proposals, and that it is going to “really take our time” when considering any possible next steps.