IIB logo to symbolise quality.

In a bid to promote the professionalism of its members, the Institute of Insurance Brokers has devis...

In a bid to promote the professionalism of its members, the Institute
of Insurance Brokers has devised a logo which it hopes will become a
symbol of quality. The red hallmark will bear the words, Institute
Registered Insurance Broker and will be for the exclusive use of IIB

Andrew Paddick, director general of the IIB, claimed that the logo had
already been praised by a large proportion of the institute's membership,
who are concerned about how the introduction of the General Insurance

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Biba 2024: FCA to take its time on transparency proposals

Emily Shepperd, chief operating officer of the Financial Conduct Authority, has said the regulator was “overwhelmed” at the response and amount of feedback to its transparency proposals, and that it is going to “really take our time” when considering any possible next steps.

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